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How To Create Financial Freedom and Generational Wealth by Learning the Money Game and Playing it like the 1% do

Without being taken advantage of by financial "experts" who only care about their commission

Attention: It's Time to see a clear path to financial abundance and freedom

Testimonials From Young ambitious men and women Just Like YOU ...

Hear What They Have To Say

“RJ helped me to realize something every session. He helped me shift my perspective around myself and my life. My lifestyle now is that I get up early and I consistently do things that make me feel good and promote me feeling better, and being better for the people that need me.”
Andrew Wilkinson
“After going through the program I solidified a level 5 position in a data center and now I’m making 20k more per year! I also ended up getting into a relationship with a woman I met on social media! I hear RJ’s voice in my head every day. He has a powerful energy. At this point I don’t really know where I would be without his coaching.”
Brandon Fortson
“Through the program, I learned how to surrender, how to accept what’s happening in life while still maintaining the goal I want to see in my future. Since starting the program I’ve been able to share my feelings and get vulnerable in both my romantic and family relationships. I’ve started a men’s group in my family where we discuss how to restore manhood, how to lead, and how to be better, more active participants in our family. I’ve been keeping up with my mother, grandmother, and sister. I’ve been getting closer to my grandfather and having deeper conversations about life. We even have a family call where we get together to discuss important topics and get vulnerable with one another. These are all new things since starting FYC!”
Terence Chandler
“The FYC program has been so worth it. Having RJ’s support has been a blessing. I now understand how to allow my emotions to be expressed. Taking the time to notice them, sit with them, and call them up when I need to. I’ve become more comfortable in discomfort, more willing to step into my fear and have the tough but necessary conversations. I’m able to embrace unfamiliar moments and it’s been a beautiful evolution to notice. The support has made the largest difference. It’s one thing the read a book, it’s a whole other thing to have someone to bounce things off off, someone to you ask questions to dive deeper and really get to the root. Accepting my emotions has made space for me to become more intuitive. The program taught me how to create a bridge from my head to my heart. RJ’s embodiment comes through in his coaching, you can tell he’s been through the work himself through the questions he asks and space he holds. I’m overwhelmed with joy and brought to tears thinking about who I’ve become through this program.”
Mandela Jones
“The program completely changed my way of thinking and my plans for how I moved forward with my life. I learned how to push through the fear of failing. The program pushed me to actually take the first step toward my dream of owning a motorcycle repair shop. Before the program I was scatterbrained, now I’m focused only on Plan A, no plan B! Before working with RJ, I was planning to build a business that didn’t really excite me, but now I’m working towards my biggest goals. I graduated from mechanic school and I’m working to build my dream business!”
Nate Jackson
I'm so grateful for RJ's FYC program! I committed to the program in April; it has been a gamechanger for me. The personalized coaching and support have been invaluable in helping me reach my goals and overcome any obstacles that have come my way. Since starting the program, I've noticed significant improvements in my health, relationships, and overall wellbeing. RJ's accountability and guidance have been crucial in keeping me motivated and on track. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life and have a supportive and knowledgeable coach by their side. — Thank you so much, for everything you've done for me!
Sean Moore

RJ Rivera

Hi, my name is RJ Rivera.

Growing up, I saw poverty and scarcity where black and brown peopled lived, and abundance and affluence where white people lived. So, I got into financial services excited to be a part of closing the racial wealth gap.

After 5 years of building my financial planning practice, I learned two things. First, the financial services industry is not set up to help everyday people build wealth. It's set up to help the wealthy manage and multiply their wealth. Second, I learned that true wealth and abundance is a state of being, a mindset that cannot be quantified or won with material items but can only be cultivated from within.

I used to be focused on chasing society's definition of success and helping others do the same through financial planning. But in 2021 I became obsessed with doing the deep inner work.

Since then, I went from being 50 lbs overweight to being in the best shape of my life.

I went from constantly hurting my amazing wife to being the man she deserves and experiencing deep intimacy because of it.

And I went from feeling like a cog in the corporate machine, to following my highest passions, excitements, and inspirations- building a truly soul aligned business that allows me to utilize my gifts in the service of humanity.

I started IRC to help other ambitious men and women who want to create financial freedom and generational wealth in their families, but now I work from a holistic perspective. Instead of just selling financial products, I help my clients do the deep inner work required to eliminate the lack mindset and replace it with that of abundance.

Hear How Other Young ambitious men and women Just Like You Have Been Impacted By Find Your CENTER

“After going through the program I solidified a level 5 position in a data center and now I’m making 20k more per year! I also ended up getting into a relationship with a woman I met on social media! I hear RJ’s voice in my head every day. He has a powerful energy. At this point I don’t really know where I would be without his coaching.”
“RJ helped me to realize something every session. He helped me shift my perspective around myself and my life. My lifestyle now is that I get up early and I consistently do things that make me feel good and promote me feeling better, and being better for the people that need me.”
“RJ has the ability to ask really great questions that revealed what I needed to uncover my ‘why’. RJ is like an anchor in conversations, he has the ability to bring you back to center, which was so needed, rewarding, and powerful for me. RJ is a great listener with the ability to ground and center people in a way that gives us more space to explore what’s going on internally. The program gave me tools that help me come back to my center, to get out of my head and more into my heart.”
“The program completely changed my way of thinking and my plans for how I moved forward with my life. I learned how to push through the fear of failing. The program pushed me to actually take the first step toward my dream of owning a motorcycle repair shop. Before the program I was scatterbrained, now I’m focused only on Plan A, no plan B! Before working with RJ, I was planning to build a business that didn’t really excite me, but now I’m working towards my biggest goals. I graduated from mechanic school and I’m working to build my dream business!”
“I'm so grateful for RJ's FYC program! Committing to this program has been a gamechanger for me. The personalized coaching and support have been invaluable in helping me reach my goals and overcome any obstacles that have come my way. Since starting the program, I've noticed significant improvements in my health, relationships, and overall wellbeing. RJ's accountability and guidance have been crucial in keeping me motivated and on track. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life and have a supportive and knowledgeable coach by their side. — Thank you so much, for everything you've done for me!”
“Through the program, I learned how to surrender, how to accept what’s happening in life while still maintaining the goal I want to see in my future. Since starting the program I’ve been able to share my feelings and get vulnerable in both my romantic and family relationships. I’ve started a men’s group in my family where we discuss how to restore manhood, how to lead, and how to be better, more active participants in our family. I’ve been keeping up with my mother, grandmother, and sister. I’ve been getting closer to my grandfather and having deeper conversations about life. We even have a family call where we get together to discuss important topics and get vulnerable with one another. These are all new things since starting FYC!”
“RJ’s approach is unique. He isn’t just trying to give words of wisdom, he provides a foundation, a blueprint for achieving goals.”
“This program really forces people to sit down and think about where we are in life and why. It makes us accountable as opposed to waiting for some external stimulus. The program creates a space for people to really go deep on an emotional and spiritual level while also diving head first into extremely important financial information.”
“The FYC program has been so worth it. Having RJ’s support has been a blessing. I now understand how to allow my emotions to be expressed. Taking the time to notice them, sit with them, and call them up when I need to. I’ve become more comfortable in discomfort, more willing to step into my fear and have the tough but necessary conversations. I’m able to embrace unfamiliar moments and it’s been a beautiful evolution to notice. The support has made the largest difference. It’s one thing the read a book, it’s a whole other thing to have someone to bounce things off of, someone to you ask questions to dive deeper and really get to the root. Accepting my emotions has made space for me to become more intuitive. The program taught me how to create a bridge from my head to my heart. RJ’s embodiment comes through in his coaching, you can tell he’s been through the work himself through the questions he asks and space he holds. I’m overwhelmed with joy and brought to tears thinking about who I’ve become through this program.”